Respect for cultural diversity and pluralism
a. Definition of culture and cultural diversity
b. Value of respect for cultural diversity
c. Value of pluralism
Explanation of Article 12
a. As a theoretical and practical continuation of other articles
b. The principle will raise questions concerning:
i. Discrimination
ii. Infringement of the autonomy principle
iii. Infringement of national laws
Limits to the consideration for cultural specificities
a. Human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms
b. Domestic law, national regulations and international human rights laws
c. Principles set out in the Declaration
Hold your breath / (M. Grainger-Mosen)
After fleeing Afghanistan in 1979, Mohammad Kochi settled in Fremont, California and raised his family. Just when life seems to be getting easier for Kochi, he is diagnosed with an aggressive, life-threatening cancer. When Mr. Kochi rejects chemotherapy and instead embarks on a pilgrimage to Mecca, his doctor fears that family members acting as interpreters have misinformed Kochi about the gravity of his disease.Meanwhile, Kochi’s daughter, Noorzia, blames a culturally insensitive health care system for her father’s rapidly declining health. Can this deeply religious Muslim immigrant and his Western medical doctor find a common language in time to save his life?
Ethical issues
Problems in communication, Intercultural differences.